Alter treated , the effluent can comply with the class a of integrated wastewater discharge standard ( gb8978 - 1996 ) 废水处理后,各项出水指标均能达到污水综合排放标准( gb8978 - 19 %一级标准) 。
Practical running shows that the effluent water quality can meet the integrated wastewater discharge standard , and that the system is convenient in operation and management and is advanced in automatization 经实践运行出水水质达到国家排放标准,且具有操作方便、处理效果好,自动化程度高等特点。
F . provide the technology and equipment for distilleries ethanol plant to treat vinasses liquid thoroughly , enable the drained wastewater to meet the integrated wastewater discharge standard gb8978 - 1996i . g 五对酒精生产厂家的酒精糟液进行彻底处理,排放废水达到国家污水综合排放标准gb8978 - 1996酒精生产行业一级排放标准